Fine-tuning vs.Prompting: Two Types of Usage Derived from Different Expectations for LLMs

Summary This video introduces two different expectations about large language models: Fine-tuning and Prompting, corresponding to different techniques. Fine-tuning uses training data to fine-tune the model for a specific task; Prompting provides the model with instructions described in human language, with the expectation that the model will correctly understand the instructions and generate the correct answers. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. In this part, we discuss further about instruction learning and in-context learning in natural language processing....

10 min · 2044 words · Cony Chun, Ted Chun

Beauty of Prompt

What is Prompt Prompt engineering is the practice of using prompts to get the output you want. A prompt is a sequence of text like a sentence or a block of code. The practice of using prompts to elicit output originates with people. Just as you can prompt people with things like a topic for writing an essay, amazingly you can use prompts to elicit an AI model to generate target output based on a task that you have in mind....

March 19, 2023 · 4 min · 851 words · Cony Chun, Ted Chun

Charming LangChain

What is LangChain Large language models (LLMs) are emerging as a transformative technology, enabling developers to build applications that they previously could not. But using these LLMs in isolation is often not enough to create a truly powerful app - the real power comes when you are able to combine them with other sources of computation or knowledge. This library is aimed at assisting in the development of those types of applications....

March 19, 2023 · 3 min · 451 words · Cony Chun, Ted Chun