
In this video, the author shares tips to master machine and deep learning research papers without feeling overwhelmed.


  1. Things to read first in the paper Read These Fisrt

  2. Great details to find in the paper Important Points

  3. How to parse the content and take good notes “Unpacking Papers”

  4. Some deep skills to learn “Deep Skills”


[00:03] Expect that these papers are complex and sophisticated, so don’t expect to master them in five minutes. [00:22] Create a process to help you understand the papers faster and more efficiently. [00:43] Start by taking a deep breath and resetting your expectations to avoid feeling overwhelmed. [01:34] Read the abstract, conclusion, data, and results sections to get a high-level summary of the paper. [01:46] Emphasize the importance of reading the abstract, which explains the paper’s novelty, interesting results, and new approaches. [02:17] The conclusion provides additional details on the authors’ results and how the model could be improved in the future. [02:46] Create flashcards to remember critical concepts and equations to help you retain the information better. [03:20] Implement the model on your own and use online resources like GitHub to practice and apply your knowledge. [03:43] Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help, join study groups, and attend meetups to learn from other professionals in the field." [00:00] When trying to understand a master ML paper, start with reading its abstract and conclusion. [00:01] Going through the data section provides an insight into the required information for the model to work efficiently, and how to use it in production. [00:04] The results section can help identify how the model performs, benchmarking against other models in the field. [00:07] By reading the above sections, you can get an overview of the entire paper. [00:11] To make the process easier, check whether the code and data are available. [00:15] Without code and data available, understanding the paper may be challenging. [00:18] Building it from scratch is the exception, not the rule. [00:20] If the paper doesn’t provide code or data, Papers with Code is an excellent resource to find it. [00:25] Papers with Code showcases top-performing research papers in the field. [00:30] Understanding a master ML paper takes effort, but by following the mentioned steps, it can become less daunting. [05:14] Look for code examples or samples linked in the paper to make your life easier, especially for niche components. [05:32] Isolate how the model was built and trained to understand what makes it unique. [05:58] Take note of the model architecture diagram as it helps understand the flow. [06:16] Identify the inputs and outputs of the model, including data transformations and the nature of the output. [07:09] Check for new or unique layers in the model like Multi-head Attention, which may require more code to implement. [07:35] Pay attention to how loss is calculated, which typically has a detailed mathematical formulation in deep learning models. [05:53] Highlight important information in the paper to solidify your understanding. [06:07] Circle, underline, or make a big note of the architecture diagram as it’s a critical component. [06:29] Ensure you comprehend the output of the model, including probabilities, segmentation maps, or token series. [07:18] Pay attention to any novel interactions like new layers as this information will help when reviewing the code. [07:41] Take note of the loss function used and how it was implemented in the code. [07:47] Understanding the inputs, outputs, and architecture of the model is crucial in understanding the code. [07:51] Pay attention to newer, novel layers in the model. [07:56] Merging theory and practice together helps in comprehending what is happening in the code. [08:01] Understand how the model was trained, such as the batch size and hyperparameters used. [08:10] Make a note of specific training implementations to aid in implementing the model. [08:24] Use an app like GoodNotes to annotate a paper, highlighting and writing notes for better understanding. [08:45] Writing on a physical paper also works if an iPad is not available. [09:19] List down questions and topics that need further clarification or research for better understanding. [09:57] Trying out the implementation of the model is essential to truly understand it. [10:06] Availability of code and data is important for understanding ML models. [10:10] Testing and extending ML models is necessary for solidifying knowledge. [10:17] Practicing coding every day can help build up knowledge faster. [10:23] Working through a specific model, such as FaceNet, can deepen understanding. [10:28] Creating custom layers and building loss metrics are important for ML research. [10:34] Using the Keras functional API or PyTorch can make developing custom layers easier. [10:55] Knowledge of these skills can be particularly valuable for deep learning research. [11:26] Trying out the model for yourself is the best way to accelerate learning. [11:41] Liking, subscribing, and hitting the notification bell are appreciated for future videos. [11:50] The author invites readers to share their own tips for learning ML and DL research papers

  1. Master ML Papers without Losing Your Shit: